There Shall Be New Life for Me | Modern Hymn Lyrics and Tune

There shall be new life modern hymn by Abas Obot

There Shall Be New Life for Me Lyrics

Stanza 1
While I am in this world of sins,
Where Violence is all around,
When troubles seem to let me down,
And I feel my life is gone,
When I am overwhelmed by grief,
And have no source of joy in me,
My hope is built on Christ alone,
He's the strength and joy for me.

My faith is on Jesus alone,
The only way to life above,
So when my works on earth is o'er,
I know,
There shall be new life for me.

Stanza 2
In woes and sorrows of this life,
When temptations come my way,
Though I walk through the shadows of death,
And my joy is less but pains,
I am comforted by his words,
Of truth and way to way to where I hail,
This world is just of void and vain,
There is a home prepared for me.

Stanza 3
Through the storms and trials of this world,
While my race on earth is run,
In ups and downs of this rough way,
Where no rest can now be found,
Some times my soul grow weak,
And filled with fear to reach its home above,
But I am only strong because,
There is a home prepared for me.

Stanza 4
I am glad my blessed Savior,
Is the Way, the Truth and Life,
In trials and temptations, I know,
My Savior is still alive,
He loves me 'cause he died for me,
And has prepared a home for me,
So, when my labors here is o'er,
He shall give me rest and peace.

Listen to There Shall Be New Life for Me

About There Shall Be New Life for Me

The hymn "There Shall Be New Life for Me" was written in 2011 by Abas Obot. It was first published in 2022 on Inspired Scoop by the author.

The hymn is a song of hope and eternal salvation for Christians facing persecution and trials around the world, especially those in war zones and terrorized regions of the world. Although it was initially inspired by personal experience of the author, the lyrics aligned with the scriptural promises that God promises.

John 11: 25 "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live..." (KJV)

This is the hope that there is a life beyond after these temporary troubles.

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